I received a family text message from my sister the other day, asking who was bringing what to the
family Thanksgiving feast. Others had weighed in: Pumpkin pie, black-bottom pie, scalloped oysters, dibs on cooking the turkey–all had their takers.
Food defines holidays, especially on Thanksgiving. As much as any other holiday in the United States, Thanksgiving defines who we are: a diverse people made up of all kinds of families, grateful for who and what and where we are, in both the best and worst of times. It is a day packed with meaning.
Do you know what you are eating for Thanksgiving?
Many of our neighbors wouldn’t know what to do for food on that day unless we were able to help.
But we do help, and we are making plans: On Saturday, November 13, a team of volunteers will pack
over 500 boxes of food with fixings for a Thanksgiving dinner. On Friday, November 19, we will
receive turkeys from Bath Planet, who have promised a generous gift of 500 turkeys to use for this purpose.
On Friday afternoon, volunteers will hand out those turkeys and boxes to about 500 of our neighbors who are depending on us to supply their Thanksgiving meal. This year, we’ll also be giving out turkey breast boxes to residents of Central Park Towers and shut-in seniors, in partnership with Senior Services Associates, giving about 200 seniors the ability to make themselves a Thanksgiving meal.
Helping a family eat Thanksgiving together provides food, yes: Turkey provides leftovers; food for many days. But it’s so much more than that. Celebrating Thanksgiving offers the opportunity for our friends and neighbors to participate in that age-old American tradition of breaking bread, gathering together, and giving thanks for all we’ve been given. It’s a gift that creates years of cherished memories, giving for years to come.
Please make a gift to help provide food for people in need at this special time!