“Pride and this darn virus add nothing to people’s lives.
That’s a fact. Pride keeps people who need help from shopping at FFGE and, if you do get over the pride, there is the fear of running into that darn virus. Food for Greater Elgin addresses both these issues with healthy servings of grace and science.
Grace is given in the form of empathetic volunteers and management, building back the confidence of every guest through that empathy—no embarrassing moments at Food for Greater Elgin.
Then, the science. I was an engineer before a Traumatic Brain Injury changed my life drastically, so I appreciate science and logical processes. There is not a weak spot in FFGE’s approach to that darn virus, even in a Zip Code with a positivity rate around 14%.
Because of my background, pride kept us from participating for far too long. Not so for about the last nine months. When the infection rate was at its peak and in-person shopping was full of risk, food was delivered every Friday. That’s situational coverage.
Since then, this family of five with three children aged nine, six, and three, have never eaten so healthy. I haven’t eaten like this since I left the dairy farm where I grew up. Much gratitude doesn’t come close to describing our appreciation.” – Guest of FFGE