(847) 931-9330 1553 Commerce Dr., Elgin, IL 60123

With a little help from our friends.


There are times when the problems of the world weigh heavy upon us and we feel helpless to address even our small set of very large problems (Hunger! Poverty!). 

And then there are telephone calls that I have received in the past couple of weeks, during which I learned:

  • Molly Miceli is organizing the return of the ‘Singalong Messiah’ at which FFGE will be the beneficiary.
  • Greg Stark is an online gamer who organized a group of friends to play an online game while making a charitable donation. A four-hour game raised $300! (See streamlabscharity.com to learn how easy it is to do this.)
  • Elgin’s Plank Road Tap will hold a benefit for us on Saturday, May 28.
  • Muhammad Hussein and others from the Baitul Ilm Mosque of Streamwood brought their Ramadan food drive to FFGE. During the Moslem holy month of Ramadan, devout Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset. Members of this Mosque chose to collect food for our guests during this time, because as Muhammad Hussein put it, “Feeling the pinch of hunger yourself awakens you to the needs of others.”
  • Bob Langlois coordinated the delivery of the USPS annual food drive to FFGE. They were joined by Officer Daniel Payne and Explorer Scouts Dasani Johnson, Julietta Sanchez and  Kate Aleman to help FFGE volunteers Andres Diez, Roger Diez, and Greg Yedwab to unload over 3,500 pounds of food.  

A few good people working together can make great good happen for many! 

Thank you.

If you’ve been busy fundraising for FFGE, or if you’re cooking up a creative fundraising idea, please share your stories and ideas by emailing info@ffge.org.

1553 Commerce Dr.
Elgin, IL 60123
(847) 931-9330

Office Hours: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Food distribution hours
Alimentacion pick-up horas

Mon. (Lunes)
5:30pm - 8:00 pm
Tues. (Martes)
9:00am - 11:00am
Wed. (Miercoles)
11:00am - 1:00pm
Thurs. (Jueves)
5:30pm - 8:30 pm
Fri. (Viernes) - *Seniors and Individuals with disabilities only*
11:30 p.m. - 1 p.m.